Quality & Environment
At Imvindustri, we have the environment at the heart of our business.
Environmental policy
Imvindustri works with advanced steel processing and manufactures products according to customer specifications. Our activities shall be characterized in all parts by a pronounced consideration for the environment and strive to minimize the environmental impact. We will monitor and comply with applicable environmental legislation for the business, and have a constructive dialog with environmental and regulatory authorities. By constantly improving and developing our production from an environmental perspective, we contribute to the long-term positive environmental development of our society. Emissions to air, soil and water shall be monitored and minimized.
We will strive to reduce energy consumption in the form of electricity, gas, heat and water. We will strive to minimize waste and residues and dispose of them primarily through reuse and recycling. When purchasing, we must take into account the environmental impact of the product in production and use. All employees should be aware of our environmental policy and actively work to put it into practice in their daily work.
We will strive to reduce energy consumption in the form of electricity, gas, heat and water. We will strive to minimize waste and residues and dispose of them primarily through reuse and recycling. When purchasing, we must take into account the environmental impact of the product in production and use. All employees should be aware of our environmental policy and actively work to put it into practice in their daily work.
Quality policy
Imvindustri works with advanced steel processing and manufactures products according to customer specifications. The basis of our competitiveness is the right quality of our products and services, which is also an issue for future cooperation opportunities and the expansion of our customer platform.
We must therefore work together to produce and market products and services that have the right quality and high delivery precision. This should always meet and, if possible, exceed customer expectations. Satisfied customers are an essential reason for repeated cooperation and thus the basis for good profitability and development opportunities for all our operations
We must therefore work together to produce and market products and services that have the right quality and high delivery precision. This should always meet and, if possible, exceed customer expectations. Satisfied customers are an essential reason for repeated cooperation and thus the basis for good profitability and development opportunities for all our operations